
When you choose me as your photographer, you don’t just benefit from having someone to document your special time but you give me the best gift ever-joy.

Photographing is what makes me happy in life and once you put those things together, we all win!

A little bit about me

·      I was originally born in Russia. My family immigrated to Michigan when I was 8 years old. I didn’t know any English besides ‘thank you’ which I pronounced “Sank you”

·      I love gardening with my husband! Every year I plant something I am super excited about. Last year was chamomile for homemade tea and this year I will be growing luffa! Yes, the body scrubby-thingy. It’s not a sea coral, it’s a gourd!

·      I love mowing the lawn

·      I’ve lived in Eastern North Carolina for about 6 years. The ocean was incredible!

·      My education background is in fine art photography at East Carolina University. You can look at my thesis work under ‘Southern Cured’

·      I love DIY-ing my own beauty products

·      I’ve dyed my hair violet, turquoise, orange, pink, red, and peach
